looking hopeful
Today was Raeyna's Baby Shower, yay for little baby Eden. Thanks to Lillie, here is an instant photo from earlier this evening. Thank goodness the photo is small and not 100% clear because it was way too early in the shift (I didn't have my coffee yet). I think the baby shower was a great success, the Coach family got awesome presents and there was lots of yummy food. It's always fun to celebrate good times with the people you love.
Purchased and ready to be shipped. This book is my latest purchase- Madame Prosecutor:Confrontations with Humanity's Worst Criminals and the Culture of Impunity by Carla Del Ponte and Chuck Sudetic. It's Del Ponte's memoir of her eight years spent striving to serve justice as the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal of the former Yugoslavia and for Rwanda. It took me a little while to choose this book as my next read, I was really hoping I'd find a book from a UC Irvine professor, but that search became too daunting. I browsed my old criminology professors and their publishings, but there were so many to choose from I just could not make a decision. You would think that studying Criminology, Law and Society for the past four years I'd be tired of the subject, but I still harbor a deep interest and fascination for the subject.
Speaking of fascinations, Mike and I watched this documentary today. Honestly, when I first saw what he was going to put into the player I was thinking to myself "Oh good, we're going to watch something I can fall asleep to and I will be able to take a nap before work". It sounds mean I know, but once we started watching it I just could not keep my eyes off of the television. I ended up not falling asleep and learned more about the Phoenix's trip to Mars, it was pretty amazing. I recommend the readers to watch it if you ever have the chance.
I love discovering how adorable and thoughtful people can be. It really is the simple things in life that make you happiest. Let's just say that things are so exciting the Maddy dance is in order.
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