Saturday, May 16, 2009


We have roaches! There is brown goo along the corners of the back room to kill off the cockroaches that have infested our lounge. Due to the fear and disgust I have imposed on myself, I have not taken a nap in the back room for about a few weeks now. Rachel totally creeped me out when she suggested I need to wear a painter's mask and ear plugs to prevent roaches from crawling into my body while I sleep.
Meet our new friend in dispatch, his name is Freddie Roach. (Please leave a comment if you get the joke, because not too many people find his name as hilarious as I do). He came about today at work, and has enjoyed his afternoon spent with myself, KJ, Richard, Myriam, Robin, and Lorena. He wears a name tag because he's new to the team, but I am pretty sure it won't be too long before he has a chance to meet everyone.


  1. He's part of our team?! I stepped on him when I came into work.



  2. freddie, huh... interesting... lol.

  3. lol. freddie huh!?! j/k. he's the trainer guy.
