Thursday, January 29, 2009

looking hopeful

Today was Raeyna's Baby Shower, yay for little baby Eden. Thanks to Lillie, here is an instant photo from earlier this evening. Thank goodness the photo is small and not 100% clear because it was way too early in the shift (I didn't have my coffee yet). I think the baby shower was a great success, the Coach family got awesome presents and there was lots of yummy food. It's always fun to celebrate good times with the people you love.
Purchased and ready to be shipped. This book is my latest purchase- Madame Prosecutor:Confrontations with Humanity's Worst Criminals and the Culture of Impunity by Carla Del Ponte and Chuck Sudetic. It's Del Ponte's memoir of her eight years spent striving to serve justice as the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal of the former Yugoslavia and for Rwanda. It took me a little while to choose this book as my next read, I was really hoping I'd find a book from a UC Irvine professor, but that search became too daunting. I browsed my old criminology professors and their publishings, but there were so many to choose from I just could not make a decision. You would think that studying Criminology, Law and Society for the past four years I'd be tired of the subject, but I still harbor a deep interest and fascination for the subject.

Speaking of fascinations, Mike and I watched this documentary today. Honestly, when I first saw what he was going to put into the player I was thinking to myself "Oh good, we're going to watch something I can fall asleep to and I will be able to take a nap before work". It sounds mean I know, but once we started watching it I just could not keep my eyes off of the television. I ended up not falling asleep and learned more about the Phoenix's trip to Mars, it was pretty amazing. I recommend the readers to watch it if you ever have the chance.

I love discovering how adorable and thoughtful people can be. It really is the simple things in life that make you happiest. Let's just say that things are so exciting the Maddy dance is in order.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

holding on

Sometimes life can get complicated and it is easy to lose focus of the important things. Recently, I think little rifts have kept me distracted and worried. I truly do not understand how people can be upset over another persons happiness, especially if it does not interfere with their personal being, but that's just me venting. I love making new friends and allowing them to provide valuable insight and advice to my troubles. Not only do new friends solve problems, but they also allow you to brag about the great things that are going on in your life. What makes me smile is the thought that love flourishes in our lives in many forms and it is always nice to hear a friend's story.
I love LOVE!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


For those who don't know me, I have two really bad habits.
#1 If I don't get my eye brows waxed, I always forget to maintain them. (It's probably more of a personal vice than a bad habit, but whatever)
#2 I constantly peel off my nail polish on my fingernails.
It's the second habit that I cannot seem to kick. It never fails that everytime I get a manicure and my nail polish starts chipping or I am not happy with how I got them done, I start peeling away at the polish. I have even learned to adjust to this habit by constantly having to purchase the color that I get painted on my nails so that when I do take the polish off one finger I can paint it back to match the others. Yes, I know its strange and I know I look weird with 1 or 2 fingers unpolished, but I can't seem to stop. I've thought of reasons why I do it: deep down inside I have a constant obsession to paint my nails take them off and paint them again or it has to do with me being very indecisive so I take off the polish but then oh wait I want it back on so I paint it on again. Que loca? This isn't the color I have, but I have only recently discovered the greatness of the Sally Hansen experience. I also recommend the Salon series, but not sure if that's only used at the nail shop, I'll have to shop around to see if I can pick it up at Target.
This weekend I tried to catch up on Planet Earth and Blue Planet, but my weekend went by too fast I only got in three episodes and none of Blue Planet. This afternoon before work the Planet Earth episode I watched was Deserts. In that episode I learned of the most fascinating animal, the Flat Bellied Rainbow Lizard. Apparently, this animal flashes its tummy to other lizards to show who is the boss of the rock. I was so excited about this discovery I mentioned it to Mike, he had already seen the episode so he reacted with "yeah, they're cool!" His reaction made me realize how overly excited I was about a reptile. I have no idea why I have such an enthusiam towards reptiles, I do realize how weird it is, but I think its more the amazement that makes me react to them with excitement.
***********************for bff: jessica**************************
"Update": Yes my love I've brought it back! I figure since you read my blogs, and our Fab4 blog isn't working out so well, you can read this section especially for you (or at least you would be the only one to really understand). I'm sad your weekend here was so short, but family is important and I want you to know that I am always here for you! I'm still excited that you saved a stray puppy and made her part of your family. I have yet to see a picture because I still haven't been able to view your website, but I promise I will try to access it soon. You already know how big I am on adoption and saving animals, so I am very proud of you!
You'll be excited for me because I felt butterflies today! Yes, it's the exciting stuff that makes you dance when no one is looking sort of deal. For details call me, of course, but butterflies were the result of starbursts (I couldn't remember the correct term so I choose starburts instead of smints-but it could be smints). Remeber when someone referred to me as their 'favorite'? Trust me, I am so glad those stories are over and it's all Sesame Street "Sunny Days" happier now.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

making plans

I'm not a big french toast person, I'm more of a waffle type of girl, but when you haven't eaten something in a long time you can't help but crave it. I am so glad Lara made the suggestion to get french toast because it totally satisfied my late night craving!

My new obsession:
The other day I was watching Blue Planet the Deep Sea episode with x100, but it was before I had to go into work for my payback and I kept falling asleep. I am so in love with my new dvds I get really sad when I cannot stay awake to watch them. The episodes are super interesting, but I think it's the soothing voice of the narrator (Pierce Brosnan) and the speed of what is being filmed that makes me so relaxed and sleepy. When I got home from work the first thing I did was finish the Deep Sea episode and it was amazing. x100 was totally right, there are animals that seem so alien, but really it's because they just haven't been seen by us yet. I also feel I am learning so much here is a picture of an animal that creates its own bioluminescence.

With the Planet Earth dvd it's somewhat the same story, as much as I love watching the episodes, they are too long and voice of Sigourney Warver is too soothing to keep me awake for more than two hours straight. I will just have to pace myself with this series, but I'm still aiming to watch Planet Earth and Blue Planet all weekend.

Here is where I am planning to be for my birthday:

Of course it's Disneyland! If you are interested in attending and sharing the magical experience with me let me know, everyone is welcome. I'm not sure the exact time, but February 17th falls on a Tuesday so make sure you don't have to work.

Friday, January 23, 2009

wedding photos

January 17th, 2009 was the wedding of my cousin Christopher, and thus the most recent Fajardo family event. Here are my favorite photos of the weekend and my reasons why. Above, is Christopher and Samantha walking out the church as man and wife.

Reception fun! In this photo I am totally laughing because the picture we took before this one only had a head shot of Heather, it was pretty hilarious. She was pretty embarassed, but we're family and its all in good fun.
Apparently this is how my family rolls. Personally, I think Nathan and Eugene (off to the right) look a little too "come hither other homosexuals" to act like they're so tough. Really, my cousins who act like they have a tough exterior don't even bother taking photos. Monica's throwing up gang signs possibly trying to represent Carson or Long Beach, haha. I love how my dad and Joey are chillin off to the side, not caring that my cousins are enjoying a good photo op.

This was the drunken scene of the night. Featured above are my Uncle Paul, my Dad, and my Uncle Ralph (father of the groom). The brothers look so happy together, even though they're totally making fun of my Uncle Ralph who got wasted off his merlot. Apparently, he needed a scalp massage which is suppose to explain the hot towel over his head.

The sun was still out when this photo was taken of me and my cousin Eunice. We were seated next to the window, which explains the weird lighting. We're smiling, but we're definitely not too happy as we still not get our food at this point. We watched as they set the table with green salad, red potato salad, wild rice, lobster pasta, pulled pork, salsa, and prime rib. Our niece Paris Sky took this amazing photo, main reason this falls under favorite pictures of the wedding.

I love me some baby Kingston! I adore this little boy. Picture number 1 looks as if he's gotten a little tipsy with his champagne glass. Trust me this boy takes after his momma! Picture number 2 shows off Kingston's pimpness, tat he takes from his dad. No wonder they call him Papi chulo.

My cousin Marcia Maycee Ramos. The sister of the groom looked fabulous and got my vote for best dressed of the evening, hence one of my favorite pics. Kingston looks so guapo in this picture with his Ninang or Nina.

Paris Sky posing with her newest cousin Mikayla Jade. Paris took a break from dancing and decided to hold the new baby. Both girls are super adorable and I just think this is an amazing photo.

*All in all the event was a blast. It's always nice to be around family, especially family that we do not get to see very often. I am very blessed to have such a large family and I am proud to be a Fajardo. I wish Christopher and Samantha a prosperous marriage and cannot wait for my next niece or nephew.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I love it when you are just browsing around and you run into little surprises that make you happy. Here is my first surprise...
It's the picture of my future neice or nephew (I'm hoping newphew). Leila had mentioned the picture to me, but it did not dawn on me, until I saw the picture on her new blog, that I haven't actually seen the picture of her ultrasound. It caught me by surprise and it definitely made me smile and sigh in awe at the same time. This is baby's picture at 9 weeks old. I will definitely keep my readers posted on this kid's update, he/she automatically falls into 'my favorite people' category in life.
My second surprise caught me while I was browsing through a Better Homes magazine at work. The unexpected happened when I saw this product being featured on the beauty page...

Why was I happily surprised to see this amazing product featured in a magazine? Aside from the fact I have this product and use it fairly often, when I choose to wear make up, this eye shadow was created/developed by one of my bff's! I know, I know, this product or brand is probably advertised everywhere, but it just caught me off guard to see it featured in the magazine I was reading. When I saw it, it made me so proud of Sara and the fancy schamcy and super important job she has at Physicians Formula. I know that she works so hard for her company and is very commited to all her projects, it's just so heart warming to see her final product being featured and considered a favorite item. "Newest eye enhancers that will make your peepers really pop"-Better Homes. I am so proud of my bff Sara, snaps to her being so awesome at what she does!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


It's Inauguration Day 2009 and Obama is going to become the 44th President of the United States of America! And with those 'spoken' (yes, i know my jokes are amazing) words here is my Obama art pick...
In honor of making history I've traveled the world wide web for other things that could be noted for today's history...

My Horoscope: Aquarius-Sometimes people reproach Aquarius for being less than tactful in relationships, dear Aquarius. However, today's planetary energies are going to help you to be more sensitive. You will feel as though you suddenly have a much greater capacity for listening to others. Whether it is true or not, others have the impression that you are no longer so self-centered
Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day: Flocculate-to aggregate or coalesce into small lumps or loos clutters
Women's Healthy Weight Day: I don't know who declared it, but I assume its only to benefit society as a whole.

Union of the Day: Fiat and Chrysler have signed a nonbinding agreement for a strategic alliance that would provide the Italian auto empire a 35% stake in the troubled U.S. carmaker economy.
Border's Featured Book: Unaccustomed Earth by Lahiri Jhumpa
Food Network: features Roasted Chile Guacamole as the recipe of the day courtesy of Sandra Lee

That's enough for now. Look forward to fun family &friends photos, I didn't want to post them today because I'm still trying to recover from my weekend.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


I heart my Alma Mater! This song was stuck in my head today at work, I have no idea why. But really, everytime I sing this song I thank Mr. Bell for teaching it to us freshman year of high school. He would make the class sing it every morning before geometry class, it was pretty hilarious.

Today I had update conversation with bff Jessica, I miss her very much! Although I have no idea when I will be going, I look forward to my trip to Atlanta to visit her. I wish we all had the time to keep in touch like we did in the past, but I guess its just life. We reminisced about middle school and high school, but mostly about how we think we're dorky/big nerds. We contribute our embarrassing yearbook pictures to being best friends with Katrina, she made even more public our nardieness. (yes, i said it!) Oh, I look forward to actually flipping through the old yearbook tomorrow.
Look what I am getting for my birthday:
ya ya, I know I recently bought the television for my bedroom, but this is my Fab Four gift. Last month when I was Christmas shopping I came upon these pendants from Tiffany &Co., it was love at first sight. I knew these pendants would be perfect for the Fab Four. So I figured, in 2009 when we all have our birthdays I will give these to the girls as their birthday presents. We all will have our own color pendant and they're sort of friendship necklaces. Sorry to spoil the surprise bff's, but the order has already been placed for the first two birthdays- Jessica (Feb 16th) and myself (Feb 17th). I can't wait until after the last birthday we will all have our pendants and it will be so adorable!

Speaking of hearts, this was my favorite holiday picture of 2008. It's probably the memory behind it, but I love thinking about the holiday parade, fireworks, holiday lights, and snow. I heart Disneyland!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Yay! My first official post on my new blog! I have become such a huge fan of D.P.'s blog it inspired me to create my own. She probably gets tired of hearing me say this, but reading her blog really makes me want to live the life she does (when I have my own family, of course).

Over the weekend I totally spoiled myself and bought a new televion for my room. The splurge was premature because I originally planned on spending my money buying a plane ticket to Atlanta and save for the birthday vacation, but I was too easily convinced by my brother that it was a really good deal.
Personally, I think it's a little too big for my room because it's basically taking up the whole surface space of my dresser. I even thought about taking it back for the 22" I wanted, but I guess there is no harm in keeping and enjoying the 32" television. Maybe my mind hasn't adjusted to not having a bare wall or empty surface space and it's making me think room is cluttered. However, being able to watch Happy Feet and Jungle Book in my room makes me very happy!

What also makes me happy:

we had birthday celebration dinner for Kathy & Melody tonight at work, hence the birthday Fruit Tart from Porto's Bakery. I totally stuffed my face with Pad Thai, My Favorite Sushi Roll (california roll w fresh salmon on top), and a Red Velvet cupcake. I'm so glad there no longer is someone in my life who laughs at me when I eat!