My confession is that I have not been to Starbucks in about 3 weeks. I've been getting my caffeine fix from Rockstars. I'm still testing out the waters with flavors, but I have to admit every time I consume a can I automatically think back to the good ol' sorority days. Honestly, I can't explain why I am still drinking Rockstars because #1 can never finish a whole can without a stomach ache (because there is way too much sugar) and #2 sometimes i reminisce of the nasty smell of partying too hard with jager and energy drinks (which makes me gag). Why do I still buy and consume these?
The latest movie rental was:
Mike totally ended up watching the movie all by himself because I fell asleep. Actually I lie, every time there was a weird bird sound being made on the television I would wake up to see where that noise was coming from. As much as I love watching films about nature, this movie was not very interesting. There was not too much narration and a lame attempt of a storyline with an odd child, it was just unappealing. I will vote 3 stars on my Blockbuster online rating.
Here are the films that we watched this weekend. I will not add the movie we failed to watch because we both fell asleep, but Punisher War Zone seemed interesting but wasn't enough to keep us awake.
I was surprised how interested I became watching Chocolate. Who would have thought that a child that suffers from a disability would have amazing kickboxing talent that helps her collect money from her mother's past gang life? There was just so much that surprised me in this movie it really kept me entertained and laughing, sometimes laughing at how lame it was, but still was impressed by some action moves.
Loved this disc from the Discovery Channel. I truly wanted more to be said about the actual address/speech given by Lincoln, but it was still very educational. The reenactments of the battle was interesting as well. Mike swears the computer graphics used on some battle clips are super real looking. I think I just really wanted to hear Lincoln give his very inspirational and powerful speech. (yes, I'm a nerd like that!)
I've been a big girl these past few nights and have been successful in watching movies. Last night I am glad I failed to stay up and watch:
I do not do well with scary movies and glad this movie only spooked me for about 20 minutes before I fell asleep. I don't want to give away the movie, but if you are into a Swedish films or 12 year old vampires then this movie is for you. It's just eerie to watch a 12 year old girl jump a grown man and kill him by draining the blood out of him. Now just waiting for my next Blockbuster movie to come in the mail...
I did not know Spiderman delivers eggs on Easter? My nephew Isaiah has this obsession with Spiderman and really every word I can ever comprehend out of his mouth has something to do with Spiderman. Too bad the Easter basket we made him was themed from the Disney movie Cars and not Spiderman (I should have known better!). I had to work Easter Sunday, but the short family gathering after work made my day. Food was yummy, football and guitar hero kept us entertained, dessert was yummy, family bonding always make me smile, and I went home with a tummy ache from all the food. I did not get to participate in much of the Easter activities, but watching that budding photographer Isaiah take photos of everyone doing their Spiderman web hands kept me entertained...
Leila and baby with Spiderman web action (yes, baby is doing web hands too you just can't see it).
Aliyah taking a football break to do Spiderman.
Auntie Ett Ett and Isaiah posing together with Spiderman hands, actually Isaiah was just doing peace signs.
Auntie Ett Ett and Zoe, no Spiderman hands, but cute pig tails.
Auntie Michelle and Isaiah doing their Spiderman hands while everyone else is rocking out to Guitar Hero.
Just like many other students around Southern California my niece Aliyah is on Spring Break, which means adventure time with the 8 year old diva. After dropping off the Easter baskets that Mike and I put together, I spent all Wednesday afternoon with Aliyah. Let's just say I definitely know what's going on and what's cool in the 3rd grade. Anyhoo, this is how my Spring Break went this year:
Played Guitar Hero and pigged out. Aliyah was obviously on vocals (that little girl can belt it out), while the rest of us beginners took turns with drums, guitar, and bass. I still think we all look lame playing Guitar Hero, but that game is just so much fun.
As I finished my errands for the rest of the afternoon Aliyah baked a yummy chocolate cake and decorated it with white frosting. I'll be eating it for the next few days, but no complaints because its so yummy with a glass of ice cold milk.
Our newest Blu Ray set to watch at home:
It's the History Channel the Universe Set! We rented it from Blockbuster Online and started watching it yesterday. I got through half of the first disc before I fell started falling asleep, but I had a stomach ache from all the pizza we ate (it was so yummy I couldn't stop eating). I'll be posting my new found knowledge in the coming posts.