Monday, April 13, 2009


I did not know Spiderman delivers eggs on Easter? My nephew Isaiah has this obsession with Spiderman and really every word I can ever comprehend out of his mouth has something to do with Spiderman. Too bad the Easter basket we made him was themed from the Disney movie Cars and not Spiderman (I should have known better!). I had to work Easter Sunday, but the short family gathering after work made my day. Food was yummy, football and guitar hero kept us entertained, dessert was yummy, family bonding always make me smile, and I went home with a tummy ache from all the food. I did not get to participate in much of the Easter activities, but watching that budding photographer Isaiah take photos of everyone doing their Spiderman web hands kept me entertained...
Leila and baby with Spiderman web action (yes, baby is doing web hands too you just can't see it).
Aliyah taking a football break to do Spiderman.
Auntie Ett Ett and Isaiah posing together with Spiderman hands, actually Isaiah was just doing peace signs.

Auntie Ett Ett and Zoe, no Spiderman hands, but cute pig tails.
Auntie Michelle and Isaiah doing their Spiderman hands while everyone else is rocking out to Guitar Hero.


  1. LOL!!! that boy is tooo much! first of all, he didn't even want to look for the eggs! lol. and then did they tell you how nathan crushed his dreams and told him Spiderman was not real?! lol. wtf?! he cried his little heart out. you missed it!

  2. is this what we missed?!?! poor cry baby Isiah!
