Friday, April 10, 2009

Spring Break

Just like many other students around Southern California my niece Aliyah is on Spring Break, which means adventure time with the 8 year old diva. After dropping off the Easter baskets that Mike and I put together, I spent all Wednesday afternoon with Aliyah. Let's just say I definitely know what's going on and what's cool in the 3rd grade. Anyhoo, this is how my Spring Break went this year:
Played Guitar Hero and pigged out. Aliyah was obviously on vocals (that little girl can belt it out), while the rest of us beginners took turns with drums, guitar, and bass. I still think we all look lame playing Guitar Hero, but that game is just so much fun.
As I finished my errands for the rest of the afternoon Aliyah baked a yummy chocolate cake and decorated it with white frosting. I'll be eating it for the next few days, but no complaints because its so yummy with a glass of ice cold milk.

1 comment:

  1. lol!!!! you spent the whole afternoon with her?! lol!!! you're the best auntie everrrrr!!! i'm putting you at number one for my babysitting list! MmmMMmMmm chocolate cake! with cold milk?! i'm jealous. i miss you!
