safety academy
This morning I attended one of my community events for work. I signed up to help Arlene with the Kids Safety Academy class, and today was bicycle safety and nutrition. Watching all the kids ride around made me really want to get a bicycle. Of course, I was also being a nerd and thinking to myself how exciting it would be to put on a cool helmet and safety gear. I'm pretty sure if the weather is right my next shopping trip will include browsing through bicycles.
The nutrition aspect of the class was pretty interesting as well. It was a huge reminder of how bad sugar is for our bodies and how easily it is consumed by everyday Americans. I learned a couple facts that are going to stick with me for a long time: #1 The average American consumes 175 pounds of sugar per year #2 There are about 6 1/2 teaspoons of sugar in the Hi-C juice box shown below.
Both of those facts grossed me out! It is no wonder that Americans these days are struggling to fight obesity, they do not know what they are consuming. I am not saying I eat the healthiest I should, but I like to think I am pretty aware of what I am consuming. However, I know there is still a lot about nutrition I would still like to learn about. Who's for teaching?
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