Sunday, March 01, 2009


I don't know how long it has been since I first said I wanted to get a Beach Cruiser, but I know it's been a long time. Today I was browsing and I noticed that they have new models, which I immediately developed a crush on a few. I'm not sure if a bicycle will be my next purchase because I should actually be finishing up my credit card payments, but it will definitely be a difficult decision. I tell myself I will erase my credit card debts, but really I don't have the discipline to do so because my shopping addiction always kicks me in the butt. I just felt jealous when someone told me today that they felt really great sending their final payment to their credit card.
During my lunch hour today I watched the movie: Practical Magic (1998). It is such a girly movie, but I made everyone watch it upstairs because I love Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman (sometimes). This movie came out when I was in middle school and it totally brings back memories. I remember being in middle school and going through a witch or magic fascination phase. It was nothing serious, but I remember my friends and I bought lots of candles and wanted to go to the Monastery at night, which I never did because I was too much of a scaredy cat. Good thing we can always look back and laugh at how silly we were as kids.
The best part about today is that it's my Friday! I'm not sure what adventures I'll get myself into for the next 3days, but rest assure if it's something interesting it will be on my blog for next week.

1 comment:

  1. omg i soooo wanted to buy one last year before summer started, but i never got around to it... now i'm fixated on a snazzy nikon camera, oh the contemplation..
