My roommate got a new television yesterday, and today it was really nice watching television on a 52" screen. I thought my television was too big, but I guess it's difficult to for someone refuse a gift? I'm still not over that $2,500 gift, a little ridiculous. We watched the movie X-Men (2000) today, or at least the beginning of the movie. One of my favorite lines from the film: "There's not many people that'll understand what you're going through. But I think this guy, Xavier, is one of them. He seems to genuinely want to help you. And that's a rare thing, for people like us." Wolverine basically defining the X-Men. I look forward to finishing the movie series.
Blue Planet Open Ocean was my episode today. Like the X-Men movie, I only watched the beginning, but caught enough to include into my blog. Krill are shrimp-like crustaceans that live in the ocean in shoals by the millions,as pictured below. These little creatures are an essential source of food for many whales in our ocean. While watching Open Oceans Mike asked,"How many different whales are there?" That question totally brought me back to my elementary school memories, being in 4th grade and doing our reports for our whale watching trip. In Mrs. Calvert's class there was this chart or poster with pictures of different whale species, that's exactly what I thought about when he asked that question. Anyhow, I had to google it, but the answer is 79 recognized whale species from around the world.
One more work day left and then it's my weekend! I have many plans, especially to catch up on sleep, but a majority of my time will be spent with family and friends. Andre is coming to Pasadena Friday night to have dinner with the Fab 4 minus 1. I love catching up with friends that I have not seen in a while, I just wish we all had the time to see or talk to each other more frequently so we wouldn't have to catch up. There are so many birthday celebrations this weekend too, I just can't wait!