Thursday, February 12, 2009


We, my cousins on my mom’s side of the family, have this thing called Fun Club. Fun Club is essentially like a fraternity, where members have official nicknames, are recruited into the group, and attend social events together. At one point it got a little out of hand, with plans to make t-shirts, design a crest, and have a mascot for the club; however, we finally realized how insane we were acting and have toned it down a notch and now we just plan and attend social events together. A few weeks ago someone had the bright idea that doing the exercise video for P90X would be an exciting Fun Club event, and so we spent a Sunday afternoon working out together. Of course, as one of the Fun Club (high ranking) members I was there in attendance.
Personally, I am not a huge fan of exercising for fun, but I felt it would still be an interesting afternoon if we did the P90X video together. After the 1st work out disc I was done, but here are pictures of my cousins doing the P90X disc for abdominals. I was obviously sitting on the couch watching them exercise and waiting for them to finish so we could get lunch. Don't get me wrong, I exercise and try to stay fit, but I am not a fan of going overboard (protein shakes, supplements, and diets are just not for me). Just thought I’d finally talk about that FC adventure since I mentioned it a while back.

Speaking of adventures, today was one of the most memorable days I have had in a long time. This afternoon I attended “Dispatcher Range Day” and was officially introduced to a few new friends. I was really hesitant about attending today because, to be frank, I was just plain scared, but after today’s experience it lessened my fear a little bit. I really did not have any expectations about how the afternoon at the range would be, but I was totally impressed by everything that was presented to us. I totally appreciate the effort they put into fulfilling our afternoon. It surprised me what were being introduced to and allowed to do, it was so much fun!

I can’t wait to share my stories about this afternoon, and if you come talk to me I have "show and tell" for you. Trust me it’s super cool, at least it was for me because it was my first time. And, because my face isn't being shown, don’t these pictures look like I am super brave and confident (really, I was freaking out)? An afternoon like this is totally out of my safety net and personality norm, but it just shows that I can have adventures too. Oh, and as interesting and exciting as today's adventures were and even after learning and experiencing all the things that was introduced to us today I still hold the same opinions about civilians and firearms.


  1. lol!!! don't forget to mention our weekly bdays! hahahah!!

  2. PX90...that sounds like a Kailene thing...LOL.

    OMG, guns. Scary!
