Friday, February 13, 2009


Toby Luna's mugshot because he is now locked up:
The worst disaster happened yesterday when I got off work. Toby got off leash, scared the crap out of the gardener, and ended up injuring the poor guy. Toby is now locked up, under quarantine, and is no longer allowed to live with me at my apartment. I'm not sure what my deal was, I know I handled things in the correct manner, but my emotions were off the wall once I started thinking about his consequences. Before Animal Control even got to my apartment I knew what was ultimately going to happen and I just could not stop freaking out. I have to thank Mike for handling himself very well and trying to calm me down because I know that I was a big mess. I just could not wrap my mind around the accident and kept thinking to myself how horrible of a dog owner I was. The event totally ruined the day yesterday, not to mention the date we had planned, but I have to be thankful for the way things went down because it could have been worse. The incident really felt surreal and I know at least twice yesterday, when I was finally able to get some sleep, I woke up thinking everything is just a really bad dream.
I woke up today feeling much better about what happened with Toby. Today I am more confident that everything is going to be okay and things happen for a reason. Even if others have their doubts, I have trust in the Pasadena Humane Society and know that Toby will be fine at the shelter for the next 9 days (it's probably because I use to work at the shelter that I am giving them so much credit). Trust me, Toby's stay at the shelter is the least of my worries. Yesterday my mind and my heart were totally broken over what happened, but I just have to be really thankful that my family truly does love having Toby around and do not mind taking him in as their new dog of the house. I have to admit, it was hard being at the apartment yesterday thinking of all the little things Toby does that he will never get to do (like sit his chair and look out the window). I just need to stop searching for the answers of why this happened and continue to accept that it happened and learn from it.

1 comment:

  1. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers. That sounds like a terrible situation and every dog owner's worst nightmare. ;(
