Friday, February 06, 2009

looking up

I am just about done with my Blue Planet and Planet Earth sets. On Blue Planet I think I only have 1 episode left to watch to complete the set. For Planet Earth I need to finish watching the last disc, which holds about 4 episodes. I am a little saddened by the completion of these sets, even though I know I can watch these episodes whenever I want, I will lose the fascination of learning or seeing something for the first time. Oh well, maybe I will invest in another discovery channel series, in the mean time I finish my two sets.

My new Blue Planet episode for the day was Seasonal Seas. For some reason I thought I had already seen this episode, but once the disc was playing I realized everything I was seeing was new. It might be my favorite, if not second favorite, episode of the set. Seasonal seas featured many animals of the ocean and did not include staff interviews/commentary. The California Sea Otter, as pictured above, is an animal that I truly adore. Yes, it's because the animal utilizes his hands, but it's just so amazing to watch this critter float on its back with a rock on his belly for opening up clams to eat (such a smartie!). From the Seasonal Seas episode I learned that it take an Atlantic Lobster 5years to mature into a full adult. And when it's time for the female to find a nest, they will travel about 150km to reach warm waters to speed up the fertilization of its eggs. It is so amazing the things we learn about animals and life on this planet.
I usually am not too fond of the rain, but when you don't have to be outside where it's wet and cold the rain is so soothing. After picking up the dogs from Petsmart, I spent my whole afternoon on the couch of my apartment with the blinds wide open. I watched as the city and clouds passed by and listened to the rain, it was really nice. The view was amazing and made me feel relaxed as I napped and watched Blue Planet all day. And even though the forecast of rain is not often seen as good news, I still feel things are looking up because I have my a lot to look forward to.

1 comment:

  1. Janette!!! one more blue planet/planet earth outburst from you & i'm coming over to kidnap that set!!! LOL!!!

    booooooooooo!!! you're not having bday pizookie this week!

    we'll miss you!
