Tuesday, February 03, 2009

not much sleep,but still satisfied

Let's just say that overtime yesterday was pretty surreal. I don't want to say that it haunted me throughout my afternoon, but I couldn't stop thinking about what happened I just didn't get a lot of sleep. Like my dad tells me, "you sleep like a chicken" and that's exactly what I did today because all I did was take short naps. It was just one of those days where your body and subconscious is telling you you're tired, but your mind is totally active. The lack of adjusting to a regular sleep routine is one of the minor defaults that balance out having such an amazing career. Routine is boring, I'd choose the thrill of unexpected excitement and fast paced confident decision making anyday.

In lieu of sleep I kept my mind and body functioning by feeding my face. Not really, but I was totally craving sushi or pad thai. And at 2000 on a Monday night there really only is one place that pops into mind, Wokcano. Laugh all you want, I probably do order from there about once a week or every two weeks, but it is always worth it. Tonight I ordered the pad thai and it was yummy to my tummy, just like always. There really are only 3 places that I would consistently order pad thai from, one of them being Wokcano. I also recommend pad thai from Pei Wei and from Chandra's (both can be found in Pasadena, luckily). We won't get into the topic of favorite sushi places, but, oh Annie, I wish Full Moon Sushi was just down the street again.

My Blue Planet episode of today is Coastal Seas. Out of the majority of episodes I've been watching, this was not a very interesting episode. I feel like it summarizes what is seen in other episodes and relates them to the coasts, but overall I just feel that I was not learning enough to be mentally stimulated by the episode. Nonetheless, I still retained some knowledgeable information and learned about vicious ocean waves and this pink walrus. This walrus looks pretty unappealing, I will admit that, but when walrus' sun bathe the heat turns their skin pink. The blood vessels in their skin dilate as walrus' sit around absorbing heat from the sun, also known as sun bathing, as a result of the amount of blood flowing thru the vessels their skin starts taking on a pink or red color. On the other hand, when walrus' are swimming in the cold ocean water, in order to conserve heat, their blood vessels constrict and because the blood flow is minimal the walrus's skin to appears white in color. I personally am fond of the appearance of a walrus in cold weather.
Watched the movie Troy today also, which was a nice movie pick. Although it was naptime during most of the film, it is always nice to review movies you haven't seen in a long time (and dust them off because they've been just sitting on the bookself). To be honest, in high school when we were learning about mytholgy I never really developed a real interest in the subject. It's probably the same reason people love mythology, there are so many different twists and tales and most stories cross paths, I was just plumb confused. Troy is still an great movie, trying to portray mythology on film is tough and the cast is not too shabby.
*************************Update, bff: Jessica****************
I finally checked out your website this past weekend! It was so much fun reading up on your Atlanta adventures and seeing the pictures you've posted. Really, clicking thru everything totally made me want to send both of you mail just because it was posted on the website (oh, and visit you in Atlanta). I am so jealous of your amazing talent to put all that together, you're such a smartie! I look forward to any updates you guys may have in the future. Let me know how Danny's birthday went and P-Cakes' visit out there!


  1. I loove Pad Thai! Especially Pei Wei's. Do you like Noodle World?

    Ohhh...Troy. Eye candy. :)

    I agree, work was crazy. I slept ALL day and ALL night (that is very unlike me). I think the stress knocked me out.
