Thursday, February 26, 2009

welcome back

Guess who's home now? That's right, Toby Luna is now out of quarantine and resides in the City of Pasadena. Tuesday was a dog day afternoon as the dogs spent a wonderful sunny afternoon at the dog park and then a nice refreshing bath in the evening. Toby loves being at home and being about to be around everyone, I have to admit the #1 thing I miss about Toby is cuddling time.
In addition to coming back, I finally have access to a laptop. Thanks to my brother, Nomie helped me pick out which one I should get at a decent price. It wasn't the one I had my heart set on because the one I wanted had a touch screen (fancy schamncy, I know), but it was unavailable practically everywhere. However, the new one I have is still pretty nice and I love the way it looks (a stupid reason to love a laptop, I know). I haven't fully explored the computer options, but I turned it on for the first time last night and the introduction show HP utilizes was pretty amazing. There will be more to come about the laptop once it gets explored further.
Awesome! We played paper, rock, scissors today at work to see who would be able have the opportunity to go home early and I won! And because I was the winner, I'm saying good bye for now!

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